Wednesday, May 6, 2009


This article is not going to be about decisiveness this time. It’s going to be about what can bind us together into a single unit. Our division problem is a man made problem. A manufactured tactic of divide and conquer. I know a lot of you do not believe in God, but the authors of the bible knew about this tactic and even mentioned its results in the following passage. Jesus said ”A house divided cannot stand ”. Powerful words that still rings true till this day. We have all been victims of this ancient tactic and it has been used extensively on us. Democrats against Republicans. Whites against blacks. Liberals against Conservatives. We have been USED. We are all guilty and do not even realize it. We all want to be treated fairly and when one side thinks the other is getting the upper hand, the whining starts. I am guilty of these accusations.

As a citizen of the United States I am amazed at the level of hate and deceit my fellow Americans display toward one another. Everyone is so divided, how can we even call ourselves Americans? There is certainly no shortage of finger pointing and name calling. Everyone seems to hate his fellow man. His fellow American. I have been guilty of this also. It always seems that no-one is ever happy.

When I was a boy, we were taught that our United States was the land of opportunity. We were taught that our country helped all the unfortunate. We recited the Pledge of Allegiance every morning and placed our right hands over our hearts and sang the Star Spangled Banner with vigor. We were taught of the amazing things Americans had done before us and were told we had it in us to do even greater things for our world. Love of country then followed because we were PROUD of what our people had done. We were proud to be Americans. Inventing the car, the telephone, microwaves, sending men to the moon. There was nothing to stop us. Nothing we couldn’t do. To do all of these patriotic things was standard practice and it made me very proud I was counted among those people that called themselves Americans. It made me feel like I was part of something much bigger than myself and if I could contribute just a little bit to these great pool of patriots I too could be part of this unit of people we called Americans.

Now we have some little indoctrinated weasels from NYC telling me that these things are now somehow wrong. They teach my children now that we were wrong to be patriotic and that it is backwards and somehow been deemed “Redneck” by these same little twerps. Why? What is wrong with loving your country? Why is Patriotism now wrong? I love this country. So now I am a backwoods redneck patriotic moron. Wow.

You know for a long time the South was ridiculed and made to look like hicks. We were never made to feel like we were part of this country. This was the main reason we wanted out of this union because no-one wanted us here. We were made to stay in this union, but they really didn’t want us. NOW that we have forged our way into the main stream and have put out an effort to throw off those yokes of racism, we are now told that they STILL do not want us because we are Patriotic. We are still made to look like hicks because we are a patriotic people. We are still on the outside looking in. We can’t win for losing. It is ridiculous.

Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano said that Right Wing Conservatives are NOW the Number 1 threat to the security of the United States. “WE” are the #1 threat. The most patriotic of all peoples in this country are now enemy number one ahead of those bastards that drug our military boys bodies through the streets of Iraq. What a croc of crap. Divide and Conquer.

What I wanted to relay in this weeks article is that Patriotism is what our country needs. We need to feel proud to be an American. Pride of country. Let me ask you a question. Whether you like NYC or not, how did you feel when those terrorist flew those jets into our skyscrapers? How did that make you feel? Even though I despise everything that NYC stands for, I was as mad as hell that we were attacked. They were Americans and I for 1 wanted a little payback for their deaths. I do not apologize for the way I felt and I am still mad as hell about it and I still despise NYC. Go figure.

I have the answer to our problems, but no-one is listening or no-one cares anymore. Be a Patriotic American. Sing the Star Spangled banner with vigor. How can you not? Our country has lost hundreds of thousands of men and women to foreigners and they deserve our respect. Do not do like Obama. Place your hand over your heart when the Pledge of Allegiance is recited. Thank your god for you being here. We are so fortunate that our forefathers (Also under attack from left wing loons) sacrificed all so we could live this free life. Guard it with yours. Let us gather our class and composure. Let us love our country. Let us be a patriotic people again. Americas best days are ahead of us. If you are Patriotic, God bless you and God bless your families.

Deo Vindice


  1. Very well thought out and presented.

    I have one daughter, a Liberal, that will not speak to me and has not spoken to me for 3 years+ simply because I am a Conservative. I have never sought to impress my views on her but she sought to impress her Liberalism on me at every opportunity.

    I have Liberal neighbors and have successfully converted some simply by asetting example as they know I have a BLOG that is exteremely Conservative.

    I try to openly discuss politics only to hear any with a Liberal bent attempt to deny me my free speech rights!

    As a Christian Pastor they seek me out in times of need but continue to deny any thoughts of Conservativism yet are ALL PROTECTIVE OF AMERICAN WAYS! It would be funny if they had not supported Obama and his madness.

  2. They were dragged through the streets, not drug. Also, a German invented the car. See Mercedes-Benz.

    Also, I am not guilty of anything. That sounds like the Rolling Stones singing that we were all guilty of JFK'S death. I had nothing to do with that, either.
