Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The New America

 As a United States citizen, I am seeing more and more of the government encroaching on my every day life. I see attempts daily to destroy my RIGHT to own a firearm. The second amendment to me is SO clear. I wonder HOW my right to bear arms can even come up in a debate, but it does. I see the homosexual lifestyle being “SHOVED” down my throat. I see the blatant bulldozing of the Constitution. MY Constitution ENSURES my rights. Doesn’t it? I have been taught that MY Constitution is the end all, be all of ALL documents in the world. It is thought so highly of (by some) that it is under the strongest security in the world. Its location is at The National Archives in Washington, DC and is virtually impregnable to attack, theft or pollution. So…HOW can a document that is thought so highly of be so disregarded? It is very specific in the Constitution that ANYONE that runs for the office of President of the USA MUST be a natural born citizen. Hell we haven’t had Barack Hussein Obama verify that he IS an American citizen and we now have him as President! How? Why wasn’t Hussein verified? John McCain was. WHY are they NOT following the letter of the Constitution? That document GOVERNS this land. It IS the guidelines for living here in the USA. So what’s going on?

 As I watch the stock market sink and flounder like a dying fish (at present DJI 7,114.78), I can’t help but wonder if this was all orchestrated. From Fanny Mae and Freddy Mack, to these 2 HUGE spendulous bills, did they do it on purpose? HAVE we been set up? Are we watching a carefully premeditated internal attack on the U.S.A.? Is Obama an outsider hell bent on revenge for the Muslims? Was this a hostile takeover of the government by the Communists? I think maybe so. So what would be the ultimate goal for them? What would be the purpose of an internal attack? The PURPOSE is to bring us down so the people become dependent on the government. Then after a few years of comfy government living we will be brought into the New World Order via the United Nations. We are too powerful in the world and we dictate TOO much to people who want to be the big shots. Europe especially wants us taken down a notch or two. They have hated our guts for decades. We are their red headed step children that went on a rampage. The only 2 bastions of Western Civilization left on this planet are Australia and America. The rest are socialized.

 So what happens AFTER our country collapses? When the stock market finally bottoms out, what happens then? Well after millions of people are out of work with nowhere to turn, then what. Well in steps the government and voila…Marshall Law. You think not? You think this is over the top? Then ask yourself this question. Why is Obama wanting to start a new National Police force with up to 600,000 recruits? I mean we already have law enforcement. Why the need for police trained like the military? Because he is following the guidelines of his hero Abraham Lincoln. He know he cannot attack an uprising of American citizens with the military. It's against the law. BUT he can attack the populous with a force TRAINED like Federal troops but still "Labeled" Police. You don't think this has been well planned in advance. You bet it has. This is how they will whip us into submission.

With the Constitution now out of the way and a starving people begging for relief, you will then be put on the government payroll tit. You will have to provide for your families so we get Government worker programs for ALL! Woo Hoo! We are then dependent on them. All jobs will be government funded. (Isn’t this called communism in other countries?) THEN the democrats have 5 to 6 million MORE voters on the payroll. The illegal Mexican, Central and South American foreigners will be given amnesty. With that 20 million brought onto the Democratic tit and the 5 to 6 million from the government worker programs, you have dominant democratic rule over “The People” and they can then do as they damn well please to us INCLUDING disregarding the Constitution of The United States Of America. So when will America get back to her former self? When will the worker programs be lifted? Sometimes they never lift these programs. Do any of you remember reading how Roosevelt enacted the New Deal Programs? These series of programs were to be temporary. Well, if you do not know, these programs are STILL here to this day Several New Deal programs remain active, with some still operating under the original names, including the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), the Federal Crop Insurance Corporation (FCIC), the Federal Housing Administration (FHA), and the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA). The largest programs still in existence today are the Social Security System, Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), and Fannie Mae. ALL created under the socialist U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt 

 THIS is their plan folks. We have been attacked and crashed on purpose. Freddy Mac and Fannie Mae loans were given out to the democrat’s poverty pals on purpose. They KNEW the banking system would crash. Bush even knew it. Bush warned that if Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac were not reined in and regulated that we were in for trouble. In 2007 Barney Frank became the chairman of the House Financial Services Committee which oversees housing and banking industries. When confronted about the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac problems, Barney Frank had this to say. 

 These two entities – Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac – are not facing any kind of financial crisis,” Frank said to the Times. “The more people exaggerate these problems, the more pressure there is on these companies, the less we will see in terms of affordable housing.”

 THAT is what Mr. Frank had to say. When he had a chance to FIX this problem, he did nothing. Why? IT WAS PLANNED!

 What can we expect in the future? We can expect talks about secession from this broken union. 25 states are already talking about this option. For the true Americans, this may be the only viable option. We are in harsh economic times and what does the President do? He adds another 2 trillion dollars to the bill on TOP of what we can’t pay back now. America is running a deficit of almost 11 TRILLION dollars and they keep piling it on. $10,852,867,417,274.05 as of Feb 24, 2009. We are not just 2 trillion in debt, we are at our limit. We are almost in debt more than the GDP of the USA. In other words, we are almost in debt MORE than we can produce and sell in a single year in the USA. According to the 2007 Bureau of Economic Analysis, the USA GDP for 2007 was 13.8 trillion dollars.  

We have a rank amateur playing President , and all we can get from this idiot is fuzzy, touchy, feely, little speeches. I think it’s time for him to quit campaigning and start governing. Don’t you? I tell you what. If the speeches could get our economy out of the gutter, Obama would be a hero. He certainly loves his useless pat me on the ass speeches. We get about 2 to 3 of em a week from this politician and frankly I am tired of the posturing, the arrogant grins and the blame game. The whole demeanor from this asshole simply pisses me off. I can’t sit in a room for over 1 minute and listen to this idiot. He makes my skin crawl. Clinton did that to me too, but not to this extent. WHY? Because I know everything that comes from this fools mouth is a lie or a political maneuver. I trust him as far as I can throw him. They always start their briefings about the economy out by saying this. 

“We inherited this economy from GWB. This stimulus is not a quick fix and expectations should be low.” 

I tell you folks. I have BIG expectations when I am footing the bill for 2 freaking trillion dollars. I expect a little more for my DAMN money than a “Low Expectations” result.

If you want to know the truth, this money that was stolen from the American people in the guise of the “Spendulous Bill”. This money will be used to fund the next batch of Democratic candidates in the upcoming 2 and 4 year election cycles. Do you actually think this money went to these pork projects? Some will, but I guarentee you this money will be used to further their agenda and their march to Democrat domination over our people. Appeasement is NOT an option. They are intent on destroying the American way of life. They want to take the country over and instill their OWN values and rules.They want to do away with the constitution because it gets in their way of total rule of the American people. They do not respect the Constitutional process because fat white men like Thomas Jefferson and Ben Franklin wrote the rules. That in itself is enough to change everything to benefit their cause. 

 The solution? The states with any logical thinking skills left should all form and join a coalition of states and have a debate about getting the hell OUT of this pending Communist Utopia. I think discussions should be held and determine whether or not to leave all this craziness behind. Let the bastards have what they have conquered. Bring our beloved Constitution with us. Form a new capitol in a participating secessionist state and start the Capitalism machine back up again. Split the military forces with the United States and part ways with these nuts. If they want communism in the North, then let em have it. Their ideology has collapsed their cities, their schools and now the economy, all in the name of political correctness.

 We will name our country New America and start cleaning up the things the liberals have pushed down our throats. The homosexual agenda, the murder of infants and the welfare system, We need to put the Federal Reserve BACK to being state run instead of privately owned so greed could not alter monetary decisions for the nation anymore. Start a newer, kinder, gentler EPA. Do away with the IRS ideology and simply charge a 12% flat tax. THAT is fair across the board. Everyone pays THEIR fair share. HARSH laws and penalties for violent crimes, deportation of illegal foreigners, no more immigration, let our lands fill up with our own American people, muslim screening for terrorists and last but not least, inpregnable WALLS would be placed along the Mexican and Old America border lines. Communist ideology would be crushed. Any attempt to interject socialism OR communism into the system will be dealt with harshly. The perpetrators would be imprisoned and or deported. New America coming soon to a secession movement near you. I can’t wait. Hope to see you there.

 Thanks for reading

 Deo Vindice

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Jefferson Davis's Black Son

In the years after the end of the Civil War in 1865, this period was known as “Reconstruction”. It was a period of great turmoil. A lot of things were happening during this time. The Confederacy had lost the war and Federal troops had been stationed all over Southern Lands. Needless to say, this caused a lot of animosity and anger among the Southern populous. Uprisings for the atrocious behavior of federal troops and the Union government were common. Civil war soldiers were basically treated as prisoners after their return home. They arrived to find a ravaged homeland and basically no rights left to speak of. Northern officials were clambering for heads to roll and for “PAYBACK” for the millions of dollars the war cost the Union. When the Southern lands were seized, some of it was distributed via (General Sherman’s Special Field Order No. 15. The order, issued on January 16, 1865, gave freed slaves 400,000 acres of abandoned rice land on Georgia’s Sea Islands and on the coast of South Carolina. The land was divided into forty-acre plots, and later the army was ordered to provide mules to the freedmen. This arrangement became known as “forty acres and a mule”. (from article By Jessica McElrath, About.com entitled “The Reconstruction Era http://afroamhistory.about.com/cs/reconstruction/a/reconstruction.htm)


The reason I wanted to lay this ground work is for you to see the hypocrisy after this fiery time in American History. I wanted to SHOW you that what you have learned about us here is mostly half truths. A lot of you will not recognize any of this because you have been taught by the Union system, the victors Why does this matter? It’s because the victors get to write history. The winners get to make themselves the heroes and fabricate a cause that could not be further from the truth, as was so called cause of slavery.

We have all been taught that Lincoln was a great emancipator. He freed the slaves and that is what you know about the civil war. This is a complete falsehood. It was not about slavery. In fact slavery was not introduced as a reason for the civil war until 18 months AFTER the war had started. The North was losing the war and Lincoln was desperate. After 18 months of bloody losses to the Confederates, Lincoln made his Emancipation Proclamation. It was intended to provoke slave revolts on plantations where women and children had been left alone while the men were off fighting the Union. Then and ONLY then did Lincoln become an abolitionist. In fact, as a lawyer and legislator, he repeatedly fought to protect the institution of slavery.  He supported the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850, which obligated the federal government to assist in returning escaped slaves back to the South.


This following section is from J. McClure in his review of the book by J.DiLorenzo “The Real Lincoln


Lincoln suspended the writ of habeas corpus for the duration of his administration in order to quell Northern opposition to the war.  Chief Justice Taney responded the president had no lawful power to do so, but Lincoln ignored the Court.  Thousands of Northern citizens were imprisoned without trial on rumors they opposed the war.  A secret police force was established to weed out dissenters.  According to DiLorenzo, “[p]risoners were not told why they were being arrested, no investigations of their alleged ‘crimes’ were carried out, and no trials were held” (138).

More than 13,000 citizens were held in Lincoln’s political prisons, many of them at Fort Lafayette in New York Harbor, the “American Bastille.”  Prisoners were thrown in crowded cells with beds of straw or moss and served raw pork fat and water filled with tadpoles.  Most of the Maryland legislature ended up in Fort Lafayette, along with many other state legislators from across the North.  The grandson of Francis Scott Key was imprisoned at the very place his grandfather wrote the Star Spangled Banner.

Free speech was quickly ended when Lincoln assumed power.  Newspaper editors opposing the war were imprisoned without trial.  Some were allowed to continue, but only if they agreed to report favorably on the war.  The consequence of printing “disloyal” stories was destruction of the paper and imprisonment or hanging of the editors.

  Does ANY of this sound familiar in today’s political arena? National police force. Report only favorable articles about the government. Free speech being stifled.  Sound familiar?

  I have went through all of this spiel,  number one to educate you and number 2 to show you the similarities of what is happening today and number 3 to set the damn record straight about the South and that war.

  On this 201st anniversary of Jefferson Davis’s birthday, I wanted to SHOW you the lies about our people and how what you have been taught in school is fabricated by your government. For those of you who do not know who Jefferson Davis was, I will enlighten you.

  Jefferson Davis was the first and only President of the CSA Confederate States Of America. He was a strict Constitutionalist, Christian, Patriot and Great Father. He fought in the Mexican-American war. He was a West Point graduate. He was the United States Secretary Of War under Franklin Pierce and a U.S. Senator for Mississippi. Davis’s  father, along with his uncles, had served in the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War; he (Davis’s father) fought with the Georgia cavalry and fought in the Siege of Savannah as an infantry officer. Also, three of his older brothers served during the War of 1812. Two of them served under Andrew Jackson and received commendation for bravery in the Battle of New Orleans. (Some info from Wikipedia from their data located here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jefferson_Davis)

  This will not get reported on NBC Nightly News, but the one and only CSA President adopted a black child by the name of Jim Limber. Not a lot about Jim Limber is known. The information we DO know comes from the communications between his wife Varina Davis and their family members and friends. Jim Limber was a black child that Mrs. Davis rescued. Apparently the boy was being beaten by another black man, his guardian. Mrs. Davis witnessed this on her way back from Richmond and promptly put a stop to the beating and brought the child home with her. Later they supposedly adopted him into their family. That’s right. That’s what I said. Where is the proof of this child? The proof is in a picture taken of Limber located here. http://richmondthenandnow.com/Images/Famous-People/Jim-Limber.jpg  Jim Limber was taken away from the Davis’s after their capture near Irwinville, Georgia. Northern articles were written proclaiming the North had “rescued” Limber thus was the reason he was taken.


Taken from “What Do We

Really Know About

“Jim Limber”?

By John M. Coski, Historian and Library Director, Museum of the Confederacy, Richmond,Virginia © 2008



Even without official documentation, wartime sources do corroborate Mrs. Davis’ postwar account of Jim Limber’s presence in the Confederate executive mansion. On February 16, 1864, a family friend, the celebrated diarist Mary Chestnut, recorded that she saw (in the 3rd-floor room where Varina’s mother lived for part of the war) “the little negro Mrs. Davis rescued yesterday from his brutal negro guardian. The child is an orphan. He was dressed up in Little Joe’s (The Davis’s natural born son) clothes and happy as a lord. He was very anxious to show me his wounds and bruises, but I fled.”

A year later, nine-year-old Margaret Davis wrote to her younger bother, Jeff, who was spending time with the army, relaying that “Jim Limber sends his love to you…” As the Davises fled southward from Richmond in April 1865, Varina included Jim limber in her reports to her husband about the family. On April 19, 1865: “The children are well and very happy—play all day—Billy & Jim fast friends as ever…” On April 28, 1865: “Billy and Jeff are very well—Limber is thriving but bad.”

Within two weeks, Federal troops caught up with the Davis family and their party of military aides, slaves, servants—and Jim Limber—near Irwinville, Georgia. When the captives reached the Atlantic coast on a river transport ship, the Davis’s and Jim Limber were separated forever.


Now you know.

Thanks for reading

Deo Vindice