Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Right In Front of My Eyes

Hi…My name is James. I apologize for the way I sound, but I am currently running for my life. I am in Fawija, Iraq currently engaged in a fire fight. I’ve been fighting in this God forsaken place for 8 weeks. I have had 3 friends get their heads blown off and 5 more buddies injured or maimed. With what has been put in the White House over these past couple of weeks, it’s a little hard to swallow being here now. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind fighting, but I want to fight for our country, not these peoples country. I want to fight for a president that respects and cares for me. Someone who understands what it’s like to be here. Not someone who hates America. We now know that is out the window, so we have to fight for ourselves. We have to fight to survive and get back home to our families. These people here hate our guts. ALL of them hate us. Not just the militants. Hell the militants ARE the people. We are on their “Holy Land”. Personally, I wouldn’t give you 5 dollars for the whole damn place. This is a sorry place to have to exist, and an even worst place to have to die…..Hold on one second…

“OK men. Take cover and catch your breath!” Watch em Harvey! They are trying to flank us. They are trying to set us up for an ambush. BILL! Bring up the humvee with the .50 cal. Some of them ran into that building! No…THAT one…Yea…Right there”…

Ok….Sorry about that. T.C.B. you know. A Sergeant’s work is never done. Where was I…Oh yea. When you’re fighting a war, you’re just a number. They train you. They teach you how to kill. They give you the tools to kill and point you in the direction to do the killing. So I kill. That’s what a warrior does. Sherman said it best “War is hell.” He KNEW what he was talking about. He had experienced WAR and what it meant to be a warrior. This new president hasn’t got a clue. Now he is my commander and chief. Now this dud is running the show. It’s hard to lay your loyalty down for someone who has been pampered and groomed for only one thing. Greed not principal guides this elected person and it’s very hard to call him my president.

I am proud to serve my country, sweet land of liberty. I miss home. I wish I was home. I miss my wife and kids. I wonder what my wife Kristie Jo is doing right now. I hope my kids are ok. I miss em a lot. I feel funny. I wish I had a shower. I smell like a camel’s ass. I wish I hadn’t taken those 0.27 cents out of my cousin’s plastic Halloween pumpkin when I was 7. I paid em back 40 cents though. I hope my old mama and daddy are ok. I wish I was there to take care of them. They need me now. Whew. My head’s spinning. I’m a little light headed for some reason….Hang on..BRB

“NO!...Pull it up to that corner. Perfect. Now Bill…What I want you to do is lay down some .50 cal rounds. Pepper that building. I want you to shoot until I see something blow up. Do you hear me? “YES SIR!” OK….FIRE!” EVERYONE….FIRE AT WILL!

Ok…I’m back. It’s been a tough day clearing insurgents. Ambush my ass. I ain’t going down like that….where was I…Oh….So why are we here? I guess every soldier that fights asks that question. Why. We say we are here to save these people. These people don’t WANT to be saved. They don’t WANT us here. We are not welcome at all. So why? We are here because we have to do the work that no-one wants us to do. That’s right. I said it. We are forcing our will onto a people that hates our guts. This should work out just dandy. We have people at home protesting the war at my friend’s funerals. AT THEIR FUNERALS! They protest at a time when the families are putting their sons and daughters in the ground never to see them again…ever. Are these people human? Where is their humanity or compassion for the dead? They are godless demons. I have hope. I don’t think they do. I hope Jesus is real. I believe he is. This is my life. What is it worth? Is America worth MY life? I thought she was, but now I do not know. My life may not mean anything to America, but it does to me. It’s all I know. It’s all I have.

I wonder if the Red Bellies are biting back home? I bet old Tater is passed out on the creek bank again drunk as a skunk. Why in the HELL is everything spinning? Dang! I feel funny. Hang on..

Good damn shot Bill! Damn good shot! Man that one took the whole side of the building off. WHEW! Damn I am proud of you man! “Thank you Sir!” Damn right. Good job. POP! POP! POP! ….TAKE COVER MEN…AK-47’s!…FIRE!!!”

“Ok…I never rest. I haven’t since I have been here. Well I have something to tell yall. I have to level with you. I was dead from the first line of this story. I guess your life does pass in front of your eyes. These things happened to me just before I was killed. I guess it’s a brain thing. I don’t want to die here, but I guess I have no choice. You see I know I am dead because I saw what happened. When we blew the front of that building off, I took a team in to clear the rest of them out. I was on point. As I burst into the room, I was ambushed from behind. I know this because as I was falling, I fell sideways into the view of a mirror in the room and there he was standing behind me with his AK smoking. His red checkered towel told me the cold hard truth. Of course my team got him, but what does that do for me now? I will never see my family again and the pain my folks will have to go through may kill em. Will Sheehan and Co. protest me too? I hope not. My mom, dad, wife and children deserve better. I wish I was home. As I lay here dying, I can only think of one thing. Home. So…What was my life worth? It was worth about .17 cents...the cost of an AK-47 bullet. 

"It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather we should thank God that such men lived." George S. Patton

"If we take the generally accepted definition of bravery as a quality which knows no fear, I have never seen a brave man. All men are frightened. The more intelligent they are, the more they are frightened." George S. Patton

Britton…Sgt. Mike…God bless you and your men. God bless our country. God help us through what we will have to deal with in the coming future. Pray for our country in earnest.

Deo Vindice

Friday, January 23, 2009

We The People

Since the election of Osama, I have seen nothing but ass kissing and sucking up. I have heard nothing but lie after lie. Our way of life, our heritage, our government, our traditions, our religion, our Constitution, our businesses, our schools AND our children are in danger from this scourge in our government. The American people are under attack and there seems to be nothing that can be done about it. I listen and watch what is transpiring in our country and for the life of me, I cannot figure out where all of this HATE toward America is coming from? We need a change of the guard, but NOT a change of American way of life. We have been the beacon of light for millions of people around the world. We have given aid to billions. We have fought for freedom for 2 and a half centuries. Americans have given their lives for this country. Blood, sweat and tears have been poured into this homeland and for what. It has been taken over by the most vile, un-American people imaginable. We are talking about people that do not even have the respect to place their hand over their heart during the playing of the National Anthem and a thumb of the nose to our traditions. And what do we do. We sit back and just complain about it with no action. We are fat, spoiled, complacent and unwilling to put that same blood, sweat and tears into our country that is needed to turn it around. I guess we think it is too big for one person to tackle OR think it will just go away. Well folks it AIN’T going away. It seems we are looking for a savior of sorts, someone that can lead us OUT of this darkness that is slowly creeping over our homeland.


What is going to happen?


Well that is the question. Since No AMERICAN can seem to be put into office now, we may be in serious trouble. No regular American from the population can run for office anymore. OUR representation is out the window. We are not being represented anymore. The RICH are being represented. We The People have been bulldozed by rich lawyers that have a vested interest in padding their pockets at our expense. No accountability. No oversight. No restraint. These people have priced the American people out of their own government. Our politicians seem to tell us nothing but lies during their campaigns, and when they get to Washington, they start working for THEIR interests. Republicans AND Democrats are doing the same things. Rich people with rich agendas are what we are dealing with now. Therefore they do not want to HEAR from WE THE PEOPLE. As long as we pay the taxes and shut up, they are happy. When an American voices their opinion or disdain, they are labeled simpleton and disregarded as kooks.


Our Constitution is being ignored. The rule of law is fading to rule of greed and political correctness. The Constitution is the rule of law and rights that govern this land. Our founding fathers set it up so we had a voice in the matters of this country. We have been pushed out and common sense has faded to just the general population. We can see what is wrong, but when one of us simpletons put up a flag, it is ignored and their agendas continue forward even if it collapses the country (Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac). But that is not the worst of it. It THEN gets turned around on us as if it were OUR fault. The Republicans are now getting blamed with the economic collapse when we all know Bush put up red flags about the crisis he foreseen coming for Freddy and Fanny. Barney Franks and Company said there was nothing wrong at Freddy and Fanny. But as we now know, just more lies to pad their pockets and continue the gravy train.


So what do we do. We have no recourse but wait. If you are a law abiding citizen, there is very little you can do. With the laws being skewed in the direction of the lawless, we are in for a bumpy ride. This economy is on the verge of collapse. At the time of this article being written, the Dow was at 7980. Oil had dropped back to 42 dollars per barrel. This country is in serious trouble. Liberal policies have gotten us to this point. Now we are headed for more of the same.


Really the only thing we can do is wait. That is hard to do, but that is all we have. When our government does not represent US, then we need to take into consideration of what Declaration of Independence says about this situation.


We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. — Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government


You see, our forefathers had already been through this problem. They felt so strong about a government for the people BY the people, that it was included in our Declaration of Independence. I think the scenario we are facing fits perfectly with what our forefathers were talking about. If this country cannot find common ground to alleviate this bickering and totalitarian idea of dominating we the people, then it may come down to the most unsavory of solutions….WAR.


God Bless you all. Keep me in your prayers



Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Playing The Palestinian Pity Card

In this edition of The Southern Blog

Since I was a boy until now, Israel and the middle east has been in conflict.

Who has claim to the land? Who has claim to the name?

The following information was taken from an article that Gary Fitlebergwrote:

 located here.

Gaza, meaning strong place, was an ancient biblical city on the Mediterranean Sea, about fifty miles southwest of Jerusalem, situated in ancient days on the boundary of Canaan (Gen. 10;19). It was one of five chief cities of the Philistines (Josh. 13:3). The city was conquered by Joshua and the tribe of Judah (Josh. 10:41; Judg. 1:18). Samson carried off the gates of Gaza (Judg. 16;2,3). At the time of Solomon, Gaza was the southern boundary of the Kingdom (1 Kings 5:4). Hezekiah, King of Judah defeated the Philistines there (2 Kings 18:8). 

The Philistines, or in Hebrew Philishtim, meaning Invaders, were a non-Semitic people, doubtless the Caphtorim, who came from Caphtor (today the Greek island of Crete) during the 12th Century B.C.E., dispossessing the Avvites, or in Hebrew Avvim, and occupied their territory – the maritime plain of Canaan in which much later became Palestine (Deut. 2:23, Jer. 47:4, Amos 9:7).

When the Children of Israel, Hebrews, or Israelites left Egyptian bondage to settle in their God given land they renamed it the Land of Israel, or in Hebrew Eretz Yisrael, after one of the patriarchs of the Jewish people – Jacob whose name evolved into the name Israel.

When in the period of its political decline as a Jewish state,  the Romans conquered it and subjugated it 1,900 years ago and called it Palestine (Philistia, i.e., the land of the Philistines, as an insult to the Jews they conquered). In fact, the Philistines occupied only the southern portion of the coastal region.

In other words, the true blue “Palestinians” are the Jewish people. At various times in their earlier history they were also called and known as Children of Israel, Hebrews, Israelites, and Jews (from the tribe of Judah and region of Judea – one of the three disputed territories).

Since then, and until the establishment of the modern State of Israel, or in Hebrew Medinat Yisrael, in 1948 the land has universally been known as Palestine. 

For thousands of years, Jewish “Palestine” was occupied by many conquerors and invaders until it was returned to its rightful owners finally in 1948. Amongst them were the Romans, Mamluks, Turks and British.

You see, this battle between Israel and the Muslims has been going on for 5000 years or longer. This is the RECORDED history that we know about. They have fought back and forth for millennium.

 So what can Israel do? What recourse do they have? They have no recourse but to do what they are already doing. For 8 years we have watched as Israel has taken a barrage of rockets into their Southern cities. The rocket count since year 2000 till January 6, 2009 is 8,621 rockets.  Israel has given up land. They have bent over backwards to appease the Palestinians and now Hamas. Diplomacy obviously does not work and if it does, it does for only a while. What can Israel do to obtain a lasting peace?

 They have to fight. Israel is looking at a foe that cares NOTHING about human rights. They do not care about reasoning, they do not have but one thought and that is Israel’s destruction. Israel understands its foe. The rest of the world only sees what is pasted on the evening news. Israel realizes that WHEN a leader of Hamas or The leader of Iran calls for Israel’s destruction, they KNOW to take them seriously. When we say things here in the USA, we may be just venting. When the MUSLIMS say things like “We must wipe Israel OFF the face of the earth.” Well the Israelis take that seriously, as they should.

 What do you think the United States would do if Mexico started firing Kasam rockets into Texas, New Mexico or Arizona? I TELL you what we would do. We would do as Israel has done and invade Mexico and stop the attacks. EVERY country has the right to defend its homeland. Israel is no exception. They are justified.

 As I watch the evening news, I am amazed at the SPIN that gets put onto the Palestinians. They are portrayed as a helpless lot that is just caught up in a war between militants and Israel. BULL HOCKEY! Do ANY of you remember seeing that big fat Palestinian woman dancing and doing her best Cherokee La La La La chanting to the cameras after the 9/11 attacks. They were dancing in the streets after we were attacked. It’s not just the militants that want Israel AND the United States destroyed. It’s the Palestinian population too.  It’s the WHOLE MUSLIM WORLD.

 Here is where it gets silly. The Palestinian “CIVILIANS” congregate in places like schools, mosques and weapons depots "DURING WAR" mind you. The Palestinians THOUGHT they were going to be successful at the HUMAN SHIELD approach to fighting the Israelis this time. SURPRISE!!! They do not play by the same rules as America. America might hold off bombing a mosque, a school etc but Israel will not. When Israel bombed a school that was firing rockets into Israel, what was the FIRST thing that was done AFTER Israel dstroyed the rocket launchers? They played the pity card. Yep. Just like Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson playing the race card, the Palestinians have taken a page out of the book of racism 101. Play your cards to the camera. Play on their sympathies. Shove a dead or wounded baby or small child caught up in the fighting into the cameras. Boo Hoo. Play to the cameras and cry. Cry a LOT and show LOTS of bloody babies and women. What the world sees is a twisted fabrication of lies and deceit aimed at villifyin Israel. 

 THEN the best part of all. The media Spins it to the Palestinians advantage. Since nothing but little mealy mouthed liberal tree hugging pieces of crap run the media now, that is all you’re going to get from them. You see it does not MATTER that Israel has had over 8600 rockets fired at it since 2000. It matters about the poor poor little Palestinians congregating around the blast areas. Those helpless ones that danced in the streets after our 9/11 tragedy. We are supposed to feel sorry for them and make Israel STOP this horrible firing of weapons at them. How about this Palestinians. DON'T GO WHERE HAMAS IS FIRING ROCKETS FROM. If you are not around the ROCKET LAUNCHERS, you OR your children won't die. Simple as that.

Israel is justified. I say give them their bunker busters and let them make a 2 mile buffer zone between them and ANY OTHER muslim nation. Put up a second fence and just fight. Israel understands that if they are to survive, they will have to fight. They are doing what they have to do. 

God Bless Israel.

Monday, January 5, 2009

The War Between The States

You would think accountability would be on the short list of things that needed to happen to the Big 3 Automakers, but as far as I can tell, it's business as usual for these rich boys and their clan. Our Representatives and our Senators are SUPPOSE to represent the will of the people. Our people spoke. Our congressmen acted and our President over rides the wishes of the people and their elected officials giving the "Big 3" AKA UAW their bailout monies anyway.

In a move to prop up the Big 3 for another year or so, our wonderful president has taken it upon himself to save the corrupt big 3 with 25 BILLION dollars of PREVIOUS bailout monies (approved by congress for housing market bailout). The  monies the Big 3 has received is supposed to be a "LOAN". NOW the UAW president is whining because it (The Loan) came with stipulations of payback. Ron Gettelfinger (UAW president'e) in turn has stated he will re-negotiate the contract with President'e Elect'e Barry Obama. Since the stipulation of this illegal "Bailout" is that it must be paid back to the tax payer.

The UAW is crying foul. With $70.00 per hour worker wages and 31.00 per hour for employees that have been laid off and sitting at home (12,000 of them at Ford alone). I would say THAT is a sweetheart deal. I bet EVERYONE wishes they had a job like that. I know I certainly do.

BUT...Listen boys, it's time to grow up and start WORKING for what you get. It seems these boys have this mentality of entitlement. Like we OWE them something? For what? Because their Company name is American? It is American in name ONLY? In 1994 I bought "American". I purchased a brand new Ford Escort. From day one it was a lemon. It was in the shop every other week. It leaked oil. They couldn't keep the air conditioner charged and THEN I wrecked it.

While I was waiting on my fender, hood and doors to arrive at the body shop, I learned that my "American" car was not American at all. It was built and shipped BACK into the states from MEXICO. Your Chevy trucks are built in CANADA! Ford has just recently opened a new plant in BRAZIL South America. I dunno about you, but that doesn't sound very American to me.

Why couldn't they have put those plants in the South and helped US out. Nope they want FREE labor. They have done NOTHING for us here in the South. So why reward them with our money? We went out and convinced car manufacturers to locate to the area. Our quality products have been rolling off the assembly lines here in the South for decades.

Now to the point I wanted to make in this weeks blog entry. Here in Mississippi, we have worked really hard to draw business into our state. We have subsidized a new Nissan Truck plant in the delta, and a new Toyota plant that is in being built in Tupelo. It is on hold at present. Our economic development folks do an outstanding job of getting business into the state. Alabama has 3 or 4 car manufacturers in including Mercedes Benz. Georgia , Tennessee, Kentucky and the Carolinas all have car manufacturers in their states because of aggressive economic development programs. All of our manufacturing facilities are doing just fine. We are slower than normal, but you do not hear this whining and complaining from the South about needing billions of dollars for our car manufacturers. No bailouts for us. No deadbeat employees sitting at home collecting a wonderful 31.00 per hour 40 hour a week check for doing nothing (AKA Jobs Bank).

Most of the Southern Senators voted AGAINST the big 3 bailout because that 25 billion dollars will be used for political gain from the UAW union. The UAW pours millions of dollars into the Democratic Party. Why would our people vote for something that is organizing and funding the enemy. The UAW is a direct link to the Democrats 3 million strong. My question is HOW are they able to funnel monies into the Democratic Party when some of their employees are republican? Is that fair and by giving them this 25 Billion dollars you know some of it will be in democratic hands by sundown.

And you ask WHY the Southern states did not back the bailout of GM, Ford and Chrysler. Now you know. We have never received ANY help from the North. We have been low rated and kicked around. Dubbed backwoods farmers and rednecks. The war between the states has begun again, but THIS time, We ain't doing just Cotton for ye old yankees anymore. The South is a manufacturing powerhouse now.

When the North needs a job in one of our state of the art facilities owned by Toyota, BMW, Hundai, Nissan, Honda, Mercedes Benz or Mitsubishi, I would have to say NO WAY. Reason is. We still work here. We don't do the 31.00 bucks an hour to sit your ass at home. Besides. We are building the best cars on the planet. Hey detroit and ALL of the NorthEast deadbeats. We TOLD you the South was gonna rise again. And here we are.

Yee Haw